التميز المؤسسي

quality control

Quality control

Analysis of the Chemical composition of received billets to ensure their conformance to Egyptian and international standards using Foundry-Master Hitachi

Chemical Analysis

Analysis of the Chemical composition of received billets to ensure their conformance to Egyptian and international standards using Foundry- Master Hitachi.

Mechanical Analysis

Mechanical properties (Yield strength, Tensile strength and Elongation) are determined using 1000 KN Instron universal testing machine. Bending test and unit weight measurement are performed to ensure rebar conformance to Egyptian and international standards.


Investigate the microstructure of rebar using an inverted metallurgical Nikon microscope. The macrostructure of received billets and produced rebar are regularly performed.

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Integrated management system

Our commitment to investing in the latest technology, coupled with the skills of our people, allows us to continuously improve and provide unparalleled customer service.

Environmental Friendly Technologies

Because we care about tomorrow

At AlGioshy Steel, we understand the importance of taking care of our world. We believe in looking beyond our immediate needs and considering the bigger picture. As part of our commitment to sustainability, We aim to make steel production in our factories as environmentally friendly as possible. We are constantly exploring new green technologies and methods to make our processes more efficient and reduce our environmental impact.

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Gearing your company through an Innovative strategy