مواصفات متينة ومقاومة فائقة لبنية قوية

مصنع الجيوشي للحديد والصلب، يقدم لك مواصفة متميزة تُعرف بالمتانة والمقاومة الفائقة، مما يضمن لك بنية قوية ومستدامة.

كيف يمكن للصلب أن يفوق الحديد؟

يرجع السبب إلى تركيبة السبائك المكونة من الحديد والكربون، بالإضافة إلى المعالجة الحرارية التي يخضع لها الصلب، والتي تجعله أقوى وأكثر مرونة من الحديد النقي. بفضل هذه التركيبة والخواص، يتم استخدام الصلب في العديد من التطبيقات الهامة، مثل صناعة البناء والجسور والسيارات والطائرات والعديد من المجالات الأخرى

مواد حديد وصلب عالية الجودة لتلبية احتياجات المشاريع الإنشائية

ندرك احتياج المشاريع الإنشائية إلى مواد قوية ومتينة، تتحمل الضغط الشديد والتحديات المختلفة. لذا، نقدم لك أفضل خامات الحديد والصلب التي تحتاجها لضمان نجاح مشروعك. مهما بلغ حجم المشروع، فإننا في الجيوشي للصلب نستطيع تلبية احتياجاتك، عبر مختلف خامات الحديد والصلب.

فريق ذو خبرة عالية لتنفيذ عمليات فعالة ومتقدمة تقنيًا

لدينا فريق محترف ومتعدد المواهب لضمان تنفيذ العمليات بكفاءة عالية حيث يتمتع أفراد الفريق بخبرة تقنية واسعة ويعتمدون أفضل الممارسات لتحقيق أعلى مستويات الأداء.

التزام بالجودة والتحسين المستمر في عمليات الإنتاج

نعتبر الجودة معيارًا لنا، ونؤمن بأن التحسين المستمر هو المنهج الذي نتبعه لتحقيق تفوقنا؛ لذا نفتخر بالالتزام القوي في تقديم منتجات عالية الجودة ونسعى بشكل مستمر نحو التطوير، خلال كل مرحلة من الإنتاج

إنتاج متقدم بتقنيات حديثة لضمان جودة وكفاءة عالية

تعتمد عملية الإنتاج في مصنع الجيوشى للصلب على أحدث التقنيات والتكنولوجيا المتقدمة، التي تضمن توفير أعلى معايير الجودة والكفاءة لعملائنا عبر مجموعة متنوعة من الخامات والمنتجات العالمية

About Us

Provides your best quality manufacturing products

AlGioshy Steel is a company that has set its sights on achieving the top spot in the steel manufacturing and distribution industry in the Middle East and North Africa. The company's vision is to provide customers with high-quality steel products that meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

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Our Services
Offer top services to industries

AlGioshy Steel Group specializes in steel production, offering a range of services including steel manufacturing, distribution, and supply. We prioritize quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction while providing products such as steel rebars and other construction materials.


Steel Testing Laboratory performs a wide range of chemical and mechanical testing to ensure that customers are in possession of the data necessary to meet their application’s needs.

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Steel Production

We have a team of highly skilled professionals who are dedicated to producing high-quality steel products using the latest technology and equipment.

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Company in numbers
Offer top services to industries

AlGioshy Steel Group specializes in steel production, offering a range of services including steel manufacturing, distribution, and supply. We prioritize quality.

Years Of Experience

Happy Clients

Project Numbers

Experts And Worker
our range
Innovative steel solutions for every industry

AlGioshy Steel Company gained a reputation as a manufacturer of first-class products. Its product quality is tailored to International standards. AlGioshy Steel has embarked upon a series of initiatives aimed at increasing its production capacity.

We are Influencing the Future

We have furnished steel for many of the largest construction projects in the region and have the estimating, detailing and fabricating experience to manage any project!

Environmental Friendly Technologies

Because we care about tomorrow

At AlGioshy Steel, we understand the importance of taking care of our world. We believe in looking beyond our immediate needs and considering the bigger picture. As part of our commitment to sustainability, We aim to make steel production in our factories as environmentally friendly as possible. We are constantly exploring new green technologies and methods to make our processes more efficient and reduce our environmental impact.

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Why Choose Us!
Leading the future world the modern way
AlGioshy Steel Group is a leader in Egypt's steel industry, with 22 plants producing 8 million MT. Steel consumption in Egypt surged from 3.4 to 8.5 million tons between 2004 and 2010, driven by economic and population growth. We're proud to contribute to Egypt's booming construction sector, with finished steel use reaching 7.3 million tons in 2011-2012. We look forward to continuing our growth and support in the years ahead.
AlGioshy Steel Group is a leader in Egypt's steel industry, with 22 plants producing 8 million MT. Steel consumption in Egypt surged from 3.4 to 8.5 million tons between 2004 and 2010, driven by economic and population growth. We're proud to contribute to Egypt's booming construction sector, with finished steel use reaching 7.3 million tons in 2011-2012. We look forward to continuing our growth and support in the years ahead.
AlGioshy Steel Group is a leader in Egypt's steel industry, with 22 plants producing 8 million MT. Steel consumption in Egypt surged from 3.4 to 8.5 million tons between 2004 and 2010, driven by economic and population growth. We're proud to contribute to Egypt's booming construction sector, with finished steel use reaching 7.3 million tons in 2011-2012. We look forward to continuing our growth and support in the years ahead.
our projects
Mega projects

We prioritize establishing trust with our clients and ensuring their satisfaction with every output we produce.

Al Buruj
Telal El Fustat Residence
New Capital Gardens
El-Katameya - Distrect 5 Extention - D5E
New Alamein
Haya Karima
Emaar Marassi
Abou Hommos Central Hospital
Ras Elhekma
El-Katameya Gate
Egyptian State Lawsuits Authority
Sawary Alexandria
Remal Resort North
El-Bayut Al-Badawi
Al-Sabaya Central Hospital
Birkat Nag Hammadi village
New 6th of October City Authority projects
our clients
our Success Partners

AlGioshy Steel Group specializes in steel production, offering a range of services including steel manufacturing.

Gearing your company through an Innovative strategy